Category: A Higher Court
Give Freely... as it has been given unto you.
Adding to the drab, dreary, windowless, baggless, shopping experience in todays economy, with the overpriced, cheaply made, no qua...
Following Christ
Three video's worth the time spent to watch, starting with a teaching for our walk on the path of Jesus, moving on to today's eve...
As a matter of fact.
Is there scientific evidence of biblical events, an easy home experiment, and a walk back through the beginning to get to today, q...
2:3 The Revealed
Here we will take a deeper dive into the sneak peek that was given in section 2:1 as well as looking into what is coming up next a...
What’s wrong with this picture?
A divided way to save the day, but a house divided shall not stand. Check out these 2 videos and determine for yourself if the vie...
2:2 The Revealing _ Enlarged
Leading up to the pyramids are the tents of Shem. This post being necessary to understanding the conclusion of this segment.
Lost Sheep!
For those who walk the path of Jesus... some of the posts here at Done Picking Cotton are hard to hear, especially when they seem ...
2:1 The Revealing _ After the flood.
And a new beginning dawns, a new way of life, encoded into all things "Our Father" has made. A book of treasures, the bible is, ju...
Teaching 1-3: Noah's Flood/Timeline/Conclusion
If you are following along with this website this post will be the conclusion of this segment. To Come!- A dig into the pyramids a...
"As it was in the day's of Noah." _ Artificial Inductio...
Ecclesiastes 7:8,9 Better is the end of a thing then the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud...
Teaching 1-2: The House of the Lord and the Days of Old...
This pictorial was found purely on accident just by attempting to draw out this family tree. AN EXPERIMENT FOR YOU --- Turn to cha...
Teaching 1-1: Send Me An Angel!
SHOCK WARNING : (For those who don't know.) Before rejecting this information just do a little research on your own. At the very l...