Category: Extras

Reverse Morals

Zero Tolerance! Leave it to a corrupt system to take anything good and turn it around backwards and then blame The People when it ...

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Hired Hands >> to >> Fired Hands

Let's make this clear -- All government personnel are hired foreign entities; public servants; aliens to this land. These people O...

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Accountable Horizons

Isn't it good to just sit back and listen. Nothing for, nothing against, but a balance of all sides? Some might call this, "the mi...

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Historical Interview and a Prayer

A must see interview conducted by Tucker Carlson. Thank you Putin for for accepting this interview and may the Lord bring his brav...

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Sink Your Teeth

What's your frequency? With some time and an open mind this dive into the past is worth a look, however, the conclusion is a bit b...

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10-4 Over and Out

Is it over and are THEY, the swindling rat bass tards, are out?

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One Big Overlay

Graphene in what now? Printing it on our food was not enough. Now, it is at our dentist office, in vaccines, even insulin, and in ...

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Cooked To Death

Nuked to death by "Russia" (wink, wink) or cooked to death at home. - "Come out of her my people." With 5G in place and 6G on the ...

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Avoid the Void

Sound and how it directly effects all matter, assumedly organic and inorganic alike. For more on cymatics check out the post title...

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Prying Eyes

An invasion of privacy on every level! Can you detect the camera?

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Felt But Not Seen

It must be nice when you can have all of this off the American People's peonage ($).

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