A Place For Cain

The mark of the beast is more than what it appears on the surface. What should become of our enemy once he is taken down?

A Place For Cain


A Truthful Presentation on the Mark of the Beast

Next - Ask yourself this...

Have you heard or seen how Satan uses us to build his kingdom?

Ever wonder why that is?

Why would one mingle so much with their enemy?

Yes, usery is nice for the user, and why do it yourself when you can stand back in the shadows and have be done for you, but is that all their is to it?

Now - Add this into the equation...

Not to make fun of Cain's situation, but this song just fits...

Putting it together shows us how they see where usery could help them obtain their visions and goals. At the start they must have felt that we were the only one's who could stand between them and the barren landscape that lie just ahead of them in wait, so it would seem.

You can rest assured that they squirmed in misery thinking they had to be so reliant upon us. So, then came the machines; a story well documented...

Seemingly, the movies and shows we see on TV are not prophetic visions of the future. They are more-than-likely simulated plans of action being worked out on stage with a lot of added creativity, designing and working out of bugs in their version of the future.

Getting back on track. What about Cain?

The video above raises the point on how a mark was placed on Cain.

The passage...

Then, what should we do with Cain when he is captured?

Just a reminder, as we ponder these things, there is a higher court that we can take all of our trials to, and someday we will trust in it once again. Our Father has his own court of order.

Cain and Able - The full story as it is written in Genisis. (KJV)


White Zombie! The full song! Even though the song itself is a disgrace to this post the full rendering is always nice to have included.

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