2:3 The Revealed

Here we will take a deeper dive into the sneak peek that was given in section 2:1 as well as looking into what is coming up next and it all connects.

2:3 The Revealed

A section whipped...

In segment 2:1 it was revealed to you that every name in the bible has a meaning, and with most full-life study bibles, when followed in biblical sequence, it reveals a story of it's own.

If you are not sure how to find this follow these steps:

Step 1. Open up your bible to genesis 5.

Step 2. In biblical order down the page write each name that is given.

Step 3. If you have a full-life study bible with translations you should find them on each page at the end of the biblcal text. If you do not have a full-life study bible go to your favorite search engine and look up biblical names and their meanings to provide yourself with a substitute translator.

Step 4. Translate each name in order.


                               The man    living      gotten     appointed     

                                 (Adan)     (Eve)       (Cain) Abel (Seth)        


                                                           and is not translated here.

                                                           mortal     sorrow.  {Jesus}            

                                                          (Enos)     (Cainan)

                               The blessed God      shallcome down      teaching.

                                   (Maleleel)                    (Jared)                (Enoch)

                                        His death shall bring       the dispairing       

                                             (Mathuselah)                   (Lamech)                 



When talking about names in the bible a discussion has to suface the question why are all the descendants the names of the cities, towns, etc.

Last, but not least, Egypt becomes a topic needing to be looked at. If we look around we can see that Egypt plays not only a roll in history, but also our lives today.

Taking a look at the biblical timeline (listed above) we find that Egypt was built after the flood. Knowing this tells us that not all of the people of Egypt were destroyed, Exodus cofirming this. This suggests that the knowledge of the Egyptions was never completely destroyed, begging the questions, a) where is all this knowledge, and b) how much farther along has it come today compared to Egyption times? 

Coming up next we will be going on a crusade into some controversial subjects. We will look at technologies of today verses the knowledge of yester-years, known sciences set to the standards of biblical text,and also, other questionable material that would be up for debate whether or not they should be recognized by believers. The purpose of this is to compare the bible to modern day problems and events.

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