Category: Language and Art

A Moment In I

1st ever slide show examining the facts of I and Biden’s strange fascination with ice cream. Hey Joe, the cow is in the meadow, t...

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Move It; Flip It; Pull It

A quick and fun word play short. Hosting The Reese Report and Alex Jones Show 2/1/2023

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No Back Door

As the fallen angels continue their pursuit for the holy grail; aka- the fountain of youth; aka- the cup of eternal life, we know ...

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Lost and Found... Language is art and art is truly lang...

For ages the "Holy Grail," otherwise known as "The Cup of Everlasting Life," has been sought by many. Did you know that it has bee...

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1A: A thousand points of perspective, only?

An eye opening experience, opening up doors of the mind, where one only needs the right key. Welcome to the beginning of the "Key ...

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