As a matter of fact.

Is there scientific evidence of biblical events, an easy home experiment, and a walk back through the beginning to get to today, question everything as we are commanded to do. *Remember* Test all the spirits. (1 John 4:1)

As a matter of fact.

 Matter (1 of 9 nouns) 1. what all things are made of; anything that takes up space. Science has now shown that matter can be turned into energy, and energy into matter {Solids, liquids, and gases are matter.}                                                         (WNWD for YR 1979)

What Are Organic Molecules, Exactly?

What exactly makes a molecule organic? The answer lies in a single precious atom: carbon. All organic molecules contain carbon... (p.13)

Virtually all of the compounds produced in nature -- protiens, sugars, carbohydrates, DNA, and RNA, to name just a few -- have atoms oriented in very specific ways in three-dimensional space. (p.93)

           (Organic Chemistry I

                    for Dummies)

         Is there scientific evidence?

Questioning the Big Bang Theory

     As you watch the speaker in this next video keep in mind, as it is said, the Lord willed himself into being. If this is true, imagine this... In the midst of the darkness a light suddenly bursts into existance more than likely accompanied by a big bang sound to welcome it's arrival.  Henceforth, the Big Bang Theory might not be too far off.  ~ Just a thought.

Welcoming Doctor Patriot here, from Brighteon, raising a few geological questions in this next video...

Here is an experiment you can try at home as we take a look into these next videos.

The bible tells us that we are responsible for every idol word.                  (Matt. 12:36)

              Maybe! I need more proof.

           Ok, something you can see...

Someone wise once said, " The Devil may be the prince of the air, but I know the king."

It is also said that we will be capable of more than Jesus showed us.          (John 14:12)

It is not wrong to question if this is vodoo, so to speak.                          (Deut.18:9-12)


could this be...

(they hold the keys to the kingdom, but in no wise shall they enter therein.)

When all the while we must keep our feet on the ground and know our bodies are of flesh and must be maintained.

Knowledge is vital especially when they could be used as weapons of war. People do play with these things, research making way for many advancements...

Always leaving room for letting it all out, when needed. It is not healthy to keep things bottled up and festering inside you... for everything there is a season!


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