Category: A Higher Court

Something To Ponder

DPC here, having trouble uploading for a minute. Leaving you with a thought for now. Be back shortly! Thanks for your patience!

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At Any And All Cost

Here in room 101 with the devil the bible tells us to stay away from the number 666, a number that must be calculated, at any and ...

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The best kept secret is _______ .

Once an idea has been pulled out of the bucket and placed on display it can never be returned. Could Done Picking Cotton be wrong?...

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And He Nips It

We are not to cast our pearls unto swine, but still are responsible to warn others if you know they are in troubled waters. Shall ...

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The Eye Of The Beholder

Are movies derived from reality or does reality come about because of the movies? Leaning here towards the former, but both appl...

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Hacking The Math

Throwing a biblical perspective into a room full of mathematicians wiser than any math skills found here at DPC. However, the conn...

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Given Unto Us

As stated, "you were given a republic if you can keep it," the Lord said, "If you believe on me I will be your shepherd and you wi...

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Times Of Deception or End Times

Since THEY seem to be using the Bible as their personal playbook, it might pay wise to know the Lord's true intended plan.

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If our money really talks, let's not forget Sodom and Gomorrah.

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Because Everything Is Backwards

A surprise happy ending for that which is thought to be so unlucky.

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In Unity [SP]

They would like everything united as one, with the message, "everything works for the greater good". Here's a theory on that...

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A Place For Cain

The mark of the beast is more than what it appears on the surface. What should become of our enemy once he is taken down?

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