Robbery In Progress
It seems to me that those who were supposed to be free are the only people who are not free. Wasn't this supposed to be the right ...
Reverse Morals
Zero Tolerance! Leave it to a corrupt system to take anything good, turn it around backwards and then blame The People when it al...
Breaking News
The Supreme Court has ruled on our right to travel. Unfortunately the apple iPhone is saying this is a forbidden website in the la...
Hired Hands >> to >> Fired Hands
Let's make this clear -- All government personnel are hired foreign entities; public servants; aliens to this land. These people O...
Accountable Horizons
Isn't it good to just sit back and listen. Nothing for, nothing against, but a balance of all sides? Some might call this, "the mi...
This May Work
A lot of people are asking themselves what they can do to help. This video could be the answer to part of that equation.
Historical Interview and a Prayer
A must see interview conducted by Tucker Carlson. Thank you Putin for for accepting this interview and may the Lord bring his brav...
Sink Your Teeth
What's your frequency? With some time and an open mind this dive into the past is worth a look, however, the conclusion is a bit b...
What A Set-Up
Back to back events in NY lead the people into a great big set-up. How is this allowed to happen?
What went wrong?
When the law is illegal what do you do? Remember this trick question "Are you a U.S. citizen?" Answer NO! We are American's.
10-4 Over and Out
Is it over and are THEY, the swindling rat bass tards, are out?