Give Freely... as it has been given unto you.
Adding to the drab, dreary, windowless, baggless, shopping experience in todays economy, with the overpriced, cheaply made, no quality, no true craftsmanship products these days, one wouldn't think it could get any worse. WRONG!
This is in Ontario...
Check out Aulstralia...
How about AMAZON'S new strategy...
Commanded to give freely as we have received prompts the question:
What have we been given for free?
A better question yet is:
What have we not been given... Our Father has provided us with the mud and the slime for bricks, the trees for shelter, fire to heat with, plants and animals for substance, and the still yet unknown to keep us busy for milleniums, With how active the minds of man are, keeping us busy for that long was a feat all of it's own.
One question remains:
What are we not to give freely?
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