The best kept secret is _______ .

Once an idea has been pulled out of the bucket and placed on display it can never be returned. Could Done Picking Cotton be wrong? Is this our only legal way out of Babylon? We certainly don't need to get wrapped up in any more devilish contracts.

The best kept secret is _______ .

Maybe you have already seen, but the next time a pastor meets the judge take notice of the special treatment they receive and how they usually only get a slap on the wrist, so to speak, if any punishment at all, and they will rarely bring it to the public eyes.


All pastor's know the way out of Babylon, if this is it, but instead of leading their flock what do they do?

That's not much of a secret.


- and the earth will shake...

- we are made of the dust...

- When the Lord gives you a push and your whole body trembles to stand.   

So, is this really the way out of Babylon? These next two guys have some great pionts to share, but 1st three questions to ask yourself:

1. What holds the state of your mind?

2. Where are your state of affairs?

3. Who do you put your trust in?

This sounds very sensible. Throw your public notice party. Log your guest list and why not get it notarized. 


Just a question being they are like a bad boyfriend/girlfriend, overbearing parent, bad habbit, etc.


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