Hacking The Math

Throwing a biblical perspective into a room full of mathematicians wiser than any math skills found here at DPC. However, the connections seen during the viewing of this man were simply too amazing to leave alone.

Hacking The Math

It's a universal law!  (Even in the upside down.)


We all agree that when you have one object and acquire another you have two objects, henceforth 1+1=2.

But...what happens when this rule does not apply? Compare this presentation to the bible verse above.

Now take a look at another biblical accounting on 1+1.


This passage should be seen in full for a better understanding.

Moving on to time...

Who knew the Bible had all the answers? Not just once, but twice. As it is said, "Can I get a witness?"  


As we continue consider this. 

Let's take an in depth look into this after this man's next segment to get a better understanding.

So, if the magnet is the origin; 0 piont; the beginning; consciousness made manifest; the 1st atom (Adam), and 1 atom contains a proton, neutron and electron it must go something like this...

The man at the end of this presentation does recognize the biblical correlation to the math of life and makes it a clear statement. 

A more in depth study is needed, not only to concur with this, but as a driving force into understanding the laws of the universe. 

Full Video as it was found.

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