Done Picking Cotton

Done Picking Cotton

Last seen: 14 days ago

Member since Jul 15, 2022 [email protected]

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A Story of Names_ Mr. Joe Blow Blew It T...

A planned coincidence, or a far stretch of the imagination. Either way let’s have some fun with names.

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What’s wrong with this picture?

A divided way to save the day, but a house divided shall not stand. Check out these 2 videos and determine for yourself if the vie...

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? Progress ?

Just 1 example of how today’s world works to move forward. PROGRESS/EVOLVING/MOVING AHEAD

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An Occupied Nation; A Mixed Bag

A combination of moral, biblical and natural law to best explain standards that we already know and sometimes don’t even know we k...

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Russia; Russia; Russia - Telling us how ...

Russia and Trump was just accused of meddling in our elections, telling us how to vote…like we would listen to them anyways. This ...

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Today’s World_ The stage(d) name.

Featuring Desmond and The Beatles. Just a little fun with a -5 star coincidence rating.

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Insecting Buggy Ideas.

Eat the bugs, why not just eat the bugs. A rational approach to taking the sting out of bugs for food idea, which is no ide...

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No monkey business here!

A good dictionary is full of clues for getting down to the root of different words, but who has time to read that, and how boring ...

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One big hamster wheel. Solution ideas!

No matter how hard we try this same cycle seems to occur over, and over, and over again. Anyone want off this dizzying ride? Check...

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Crazy Superstitions!

"Freedom of Speech" is freedom of expression. Freedom of expression is growth of the mind. > How important is it? >> VERY!!! >>

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2:2 The Revealing _ Enlarged

Leading up to the pyramids are the tents of Shem. This post being necessary to understanding the conclusion of this segment.

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Lost Sheep!

For those who walk the path of Jesus... some of the posts here at Done Picking Cotton are hard to hear, especially when they seem ...

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