Done Picking Cotton

Done Picking Cotton

Last seen: 14 days ago

Member since Jul 15, 2022 [email protected]

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"Fixing Treason"

Join in with The Tenth Amendment Center and this site to learn ways to defend yourself, your family, and your friends in these har...

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High Treason Checklist!

Treason on the high sea's? No! High treason upon the land, the land(s) of the free! Here is a checklist, included in The Declarati...

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Consumer's Choice; Choose Wisely!

This could be a set-up from the start so... electing a leader is not to be taken lightly. Once elected, that one man or woman beli...

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"As it was in the day's of Noah." _ Arti...

Ecclesiastes 7:8,9 Better is the end of a thing then the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud...

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Teaching 1-2: The House of the Lord and ...

This pictorial was found purely on accident just by attempting to draw out this family tree. AN EXPERIMENT FOR YOU --- Turn to cha...

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Teaching 1-1: Send Me An Angel!

SHOCK WARNING : (For those who don't know.) Before rejecting this information just do a little research on your own. At the very l...

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Attention: An attempt to help.

2 Thoughts; 1 Home Remedy; 3 Videos; 3 Pics

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Tesla's Electric

Asking all of you for assistance. Click on this post to view.

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Excellent Costumer Service

It used to be that a business would bend over backwards to make their customers happy. Being understandable that people seem to do...

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A Wish Upon a Star.

The post, "The Parables" offers translations for words like BODY and DEEP were provided to give insight to different perspectives...

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EVOLUTION: Monkey, Ape, Man.

Ma'am, I don't understand. I'm not a monkey. I can't have monkey kids and don't see cat-dogs running around except in cartoons. Th...

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What dog breed?

In order to hear something correctly you must know the language that is being spoken. One can hear so much more when they have the...

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