Done Picking Cotton

Done Picking Cotton

Last seen: 14 days ago

Member since Jul 15, 2022 [email protected]

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The Right To Travel Freely

All American's have the RIGHT to Travel freely in order to escape tyranny by natural law and written into our Constitution. Howeve...

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No Back Door

As the fallen angels continue their pursuit for the holy grail; aka- the fountain of youth; aka- the cup of eternal life, we know ...

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A Lighting Issue

Warnings are placed on toys, such as strobe lights and video games, but somehow it is ok to use these devices on the public in the...

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Truth or Witchcraft

Featuring a clip from the movie Dirty Dancing along with a discussion on the personal bubble that surrounds all living things. It ...

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It doesn't have to be a gun.

Medical establishments receiving money to administer experimental DRUGS, as we know. Police kidnapping for criminal organizations....

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As a matter of fact.

Is there scientific evidence of biblical events, an easy home experiment, and a walk back through the beginning to get to today, q...

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Has it really come to this?

Canada suggests those unwilling to be vaxxed may need a mental check-up. How far are we going to let this go before we say enough ...

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2:3 The Revealed

Here we will take a deeper dive into the sneak peek that was given in section 2:1 as well as looking into what is coming up next a...

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The Unmasked Past

Many have lost jobs, livelihoods, and friends due to the on going get the jab war. A special thanks to those who rose early and re...

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Creative Thinking

We all wish to protect the children, however, this is a story in defense of a senior citizen, a middle-aged woman and a veteran, a...

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Privatization warning!

If you find yourself exploring the legal way to free yourself from the system at hand take a minute to look at this warning.

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A light of hope for New York today as we...

A quick hello here since posts are (temporarily) slow, and a prayer going out for everyone. Let freedom ring everywhere.

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