The Right To Travel Freely

All American's have the RIGHT to Travel freely in order to escape tyranny by natural law and written into our Constitution. However, to DRIVE is is against the law since a driver is considered working in a commercial capacity. These two concepts are separate especially since delivery drivers and so on play such a big role in our lives today. Let's take a look.

The Right To Travel Freely

If one was truly free no permit (to be permitted) would be needed. You would not need another man's permission to do anything. No license would be required.

They are our sevants, it is not for us to serve and obey them. For a real crime to have been committed there must be bodily injury and/or damaged to someone else's property.

Reserve your rights by UCC1-308 (Uniform Commercial Code) in court and when signing any contract.

When in need of signing a contract sign like this... 

Your Name


Without Predjudice

Please research this subject well before you attempt to stand up to an officer and try your luck in court. Court's do not like this subject and will try to railroad you any way they can. They hate to loose!

Now, a word of hope from Our Father on this subject.

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