Category: Extras

Today’s World_ The stage(d) name.

Featuring Desmond and The Beatles. Just a little fun with a -5 star coincidence rating.

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Insecting Buggy Ideas.

Eat the bugs, why not just eat the bugs. A rational approach to taking the sting out of bugs for food idea, which is no ide...

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No monkey business here!

A good dictionary is full of clues for getting down to the root of different words, but who has time to read that, and how boring ...

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One big hamster wheel. Solution ideas!

No matter how hard we try this same cycle seems to occur over, and over, and over again. Anyone want off this dizzying ride? Check...

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A prion problem!

Taking a look at adrenochrome, cannibalism, and Kuru's disease, asking why prions are a problem in the vaxxed?

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Naming this website.

A short explanation of how this site got it's name and the foundation on which it stands. A solid rock; the cornerstone in which t...

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When All Seems Hopeless!

When everyday seems to be a struggle we are left wondering if it is worth the fight. A reason to hope for a better tomorrow...

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Hit from all sides!

It's not just the vax... Feeling abnormally tired? Wondering why? Could this have anything to do with it?

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A new/old movie!

Another movie in direct connection with today's events. This is a new one, never seen before.

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Welcome to the “Lorax.”

Click and tune in here for this episode of Alex Jones.

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"Fixing Treason"

Join in with The Tenth Amendment Center and this site to learn ways to defend yourself, your family, and your friends in these har...

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Attention: An attempt to help.

2 Thoughts; 1 Home Remedy; 3 Videos; 3 Pics

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