No monkey business here!

A good dictionary is full of clues for getting down to the root of different words, but who has time to read that, and how boring anyway. Some words, however, are just to much fun to leave alone. Throwing a monkey wrench into the mix.

No monkey business here!

A monsterous explanation.

     - Things that are abnormal tend to be labeled as monstrosities, such as dragons, unicorns, mermaids and centaurs. A cruel or wicked person also takes on the persona of a monster. And last but not least, being of enormous size often is called monsterous.

Dictionary definition: Monster

Reading the highlighted section below...

A monitor.

     -In some schools a student is chosen to help keep order and record, to record grades or keep attendance, etc. A monitor is set in place to remind or warn, like that of a kind of warship with a low deck and heavy guns mounted in turrets. In radio and TV studios a receiver is checking on problems to tell how things are coming through.

     In short, a monitor is used to listen and/or watch in order to check-up on and tell on what is going on.

              Synonyms: spy; watcher; peeping-tom; eves-dropper (emphasis added);                                     rat; tattle-tell.

Dictionary definition: Monitor

Maybe a dictionary can be fun after all?!

It's definately full of surprises! 


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