We All Win! (fundraiser)

*Limited Time Offer* Donate today and receive a gift as a thank you from DPC. To find out more about our thank you gift and how to donate click on this post.

We All Win! (fundraiser)

1) To claim your gift just e-mail a copy of your reciept and/or your confirmation number to:

                         [email protected]

2) Give 48 hours for all transactions to process and the funds to be verified.

3) DPC will then send you an e-mail confirming that your gift is on the way.

Let us lift up each other!

Your privacy is DPC's policy

Your contact information will not be sold, traded, or viewed by anyone but Done Picking Cotton. DPC is not a business, it is privately owned. DPC is under no contracts or obligations with any affiliates or outside sources. Any information obtianed here will be used for this giveaway only. Done Picking Cotton takes privacy very seriously!

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