A Really Bad Tune

When this all began they couldn't help telling us that they were all in on it together. Let's take a look at the before and after.

A Really Bad Tune

Walmart workers might remember the tune that was aired over WALMART'S personal radio system right before this "outbreak" began. The song repeated the words, " It's time to sweep the place".

If you know anything about minor witchcraft you know that a witch starts by sweeping the circle they are casting clean.

Stonehenge; Obelisks; Georgia Guide Stones _ They are all the same things; cherished and used by those who've worshiped Satan throughout the years.

Now that the "outbreak" is over with, but not really over you know, what are they doing to keep the market alive besides downsizing, price gouging, and the like.

Let's take a look at how the system supports itself...

Small business owners do need help too. That being said...

All of those who have lost your jobs, your livelihoods, and even maybe your homes and/or families...Don't worry, hopefully there is another job for you so you start back from scratch and rebuild your life again too. Don't forget to pay your taxes so you can send money to their big business empire to pay for that minimum wage job you may or may not be invited back to be slave for.

Before this angers anyone please consider this:

Yes, if you were to hire someone to come and paint your home you would expect them to do it your way or they probably woundn't get paid. They are there to do a job for you, your way. It is your project and you are just paying them to do it after all. 

>> This is what leads to the CONTRACT.

Contract- a mutaul binding committment made by two or more agreeing parties that is enforcable by law whether written or oral.

They have gotten so good at fooling people with these contracts that today when you sign anything there is usually a clause in there that states, "subject to change at any time". Meaning no solid bounderies have been established to protect the one who is signing the contract. Grandfathering rights don't even seem to exist these days, just to add that in here.

This, being used mostly for fanancial gain, has created a clause for the employer to be able to control their employees to the point they can order them to cut their hair (giving respect to preventing hazardous working conditions), provide the clothes the employer needs or wants them to be seen in (usually out-of-pocket),ect...

{free advertising anyone}

However, forcing people to take drugs and put blankets over thier heads leads to I'M THE BOSS NO MATTER WHAT. YOUR MY SLAVE. DO ANYTHING I SAY mentality and do it for pennies on the dollar. In this way there is no longer a mutual contract. Do we continue to bend over and take it to make it in their world? >>Subject to change at any time.<<

We hired them, and not only did they start painting our house the wrong color, they have taken our labor (money) to paint their own house. You can break the contract, but when they are all in on it together where do you go?

They want your land, your jobs, control over your food, basically, control over everything, your businesses too?

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