Unforgettable Moments

There is no message in bottles here except a couple laughs, a WTF, and some good tunes. Enjoy this quick post!

Unforgettable Moments

Not an SOS! How about the FOF?

       (606)                 (606)

Just Dial...

Seriously, FRIEND or FOE?

Thanks for sharing! This is a good thought to add to our day.

An easy truth for all believers...

(By Faith) Be still in the Lord.

(By Works) Faith without works is dead.

- Stand behind your brother's and sister's.

- Discern your own walk without condemning others.

- Stand strong in your faith and your love for the Lord through his son Jesus Christ.


The days when ARMED and Dangerous and Political Correctness mean the same thing.

Your Choice


What kind of name is this?

toilet water- n. a perfumed liquid, as cologne, for putting on the skin

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