Who are you? Who are you really?

An overview of man's laws verses God's laws and how they operate. This post being the first of many to come. Sit tight until a full understanding of who we are verses who we should be comes to light.

Who are you? Who are you really?

~Webster's (1979)

Sovereignty -

1) the rank or power of a sovereign;

2) the condition of having independent political power.


1) highest power or rank; supreme;

2) not controlled by others; independent;

3) greater than all the others; highest; chief.

"JURY OF PEERS" ~ Citizens Rule Book

     Our forefathers felt that in order to have JUSTICE, it is obvious that a JURY of "PEERS" must be people who actually know the defendant. How else would they be able to judge motive and intent?

~Webster's (1979)


1) a person or thing of the same value, rank, skill, etc.; equal;

2) a nobleman; especially a British duke, marquess, earl, viscount, or baron.

 Extra; Extra! Read all about subscribes.

~Applied Business Law (1972)

Subscribe- to write under; to sign at the bottom or end of a writing.


~Webster's (1979)


1) to agree to take and pay for;

2) to promise to give;

3) to agree with or approve;

4) to sign one's name.



1) to agree to pay the cost of;

2)to agree to buy the unsold part of an issue of stocks, bonds, etc.

3) to write an insurance policy for.

              sub - scribe

         below - scribe = apprentice level or below

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