Setting a course for better standards.

Just a bit of common sense, one would think, would go a long way. This page of graphs and definitions from Webster's (1979) adds to a visual and more in depth look at what we face today compared to what should be.

Setting a course for better standards.

Detention of Civilians

They can do what??? 

Does this rule apply to you?

Short answer: No

42U.S.Code §26 - Isolation of civillians for protection of military, air, and naval forces.

The Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of the Air Force and Security of the Navy are authorized and directed to adopt measures for the purpose of assisting the various States in caring for civillian persons whose detention, isolation, quarantine, or commitment to institutions may be found necessary for the protection of the military, air and naval forces of the United States against venereal disease.

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