In Love and War

Politics! What is said and what is done are two different things. They lie, they steal, and they deceive. Everything is on us! No one is coming to save the day!

In Love and War

So far we have been told:

     • We can't get Biden out of office because...

a) those next in rank to take his place are worse then him. THIS IS TRUE;

b) a true leader will come along and make things all better;

c) trust the plan; things are changing; it's just slow.

     • There are 2 militaries and the good Trump, White Hat military will come to save the day.

     • Que promises to give all Americans their just return.

     • Stay calm and carry on. ESSENTIALLY MEANING (OBEY)

What is seen:

     • A mindless corrupt president pretending to lead a country for 4 years.

     • Everything on the same corrupt path.

     • American military taking up quarters on American soils.

     • Our leaders, our justice system, and our police force with no regards to their own laws, always being justified for their actions.


We all know how this works, and now it is an all out war on our children. May the Lord give them strengh!

The imprints on the cheeks of some people seem to be getting itchy. Lord bless the patients of the saints!

 ?  for those aiding evil.

     If Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed when no good souls were left in the land, what will the Father do if you destroy all of his creation?

Hint: Even the rocks and the hills will cry out.

Jehovah-jireh always!

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