Avoid the Void

Sound and how it directly effects all matter, assumedly organic and inorganic alike. For more on cymatics check out the post titled, " As a matter of fact."

Avoid the Void

How does sound effect you?

Have you ever been to a parade, watching as the band passed by with their big drums, and all you could feel was the thump, thump, thump, in your chest as the drummers went by? Why can you feel a sound inside your body?

Every sound is CAUSED by it's own unique kind of motion/virabration. Vibrational energy is the source of all sound and without it there is nothing; emptiness; darkness, "the void" as some call it.(Creation- Genesis 1)

Those in astronomics will even tell you:

So, how does it effect you?

Wiithout going into a deep dive with too much detail, there are 3 types of sound waves, These waves are called normal waves, compression and expansion waves. (Refer to chart below.)

If smiles are catching and so aren't frowns, just by expression (sight) alone, then what about sound? You may not be able to see it, but you sure can feel it and hear it, even if your not aware of it. For those of you that don't already know, consider this video the next time you go for a walk, and ask yourself what exactly is blowing in the wind.

Changing good frequencies to bad is NOT something most people look forward to, however, this is still a good song.

In conclusion, sound is relayed from a vibrating object to your eardrum through some sort of medium like a gas, a liquid, or a solid. In fact, most sound waves are passed through multiple gasses in the atmosphere before reaching you. Remember that age old question " If a tree falls in the forest with no one around did it make a sound," one would almost have to say yes. If sound is vibration, and sypathetic vibration effects everything around it, with ears or without, through vibration alone it is still a sound that is felt by all living things.

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