Excellent Costumer Service

It used to be that a business would bend over backwards to make their customers happy. Being understandable that people seem to do nothing but complain, and how can you make everyone happy, you can't, now it seems that they just don't care. Could it be that both sides of this fence are absolutely miserable, unless your a big chain conglomerate?

Excellent Costumer Service

So, what can be done about this?

1st it would take people to care again, not only for themselves and their reputation, but for others as well;

2nd stop compaining about the little things, they usually can be worked out rather simply;

3rd try putting quality back in the work to show the good worksmanship;

4th by taking responsibility, not for others abuse, but for quality and endurance; and

Last, but not least: Work hard. Enjoy what your doing. Have fun diong it and all the while maintain that proffessional uprightness.

For all those who climbed the Tower of Babel again. WARNING: It is still a long ways down, only this time the fall is not survivable. Earn back a place to rest your feet before that time comes that it is too late. NO MORE CHANCES AFTER THIS!

There are countless #'s of scams waiting to be put right, this being just one. Take a rational look at the everyday way in which we are expected to live. Are things the way they should be? Is there nothing that can be done? You may be just one, but one voice can go a long way, give it a try. Don't you think it's time to get things right? You may not know it, but it could all start just by you.

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