Community Works

Giving knowledge to those who can use it. One motto here at DPC, "Give freely as the Lord has given freely unto you."

Community Works

The phrase, "sharing is caring," really depends on what it is you are sharing, but it seems like everywhere you turn all you see is this:

...And if you say or do anything the thanks you get goes like this:

Can anybody find these people...

You can even pour your heart out truthfully and freely:

...and you get, "I'm not that smart," "I don't have time," "I don't know anything about that," etc.

Essentially meaning...


A diverse group of workers to make a smooth transition out of the

A call for more laborers in the field.

Encouraging everyone to share what they know, so that we may grow!

A Cog In The Wheel

They are putting us out of work and out of business. It is their money we use to keep afloat. How do we make it go around without becoming The Beast?

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