Felt But Not Seen
It must be nice when you can have all of this off the American People's peonage ($).
"The employee (public servant) should never be above the employer (The People), whether it be financially, through knowledge, or power, and should never have higher security clearance." ~Done Picking Cotton
What are we?
Plasma, sound, and frequency is the glue that holds the fabric of our existance together on multiple levels, but it can also tear it apart.
It is well known that glass breaks at just the right pitch.
If anyone remembers, there was a series equivalent to Sightings or Amazing Stories sequels. It covered a storyline about a woman who died from the noise of a fan. (Apologies if this has been covered previously.) This knowlege has been known for a very long time.
These days this knowledge has expanded from:
Let's take a look at some military warfare weapons.
With all the frequency waves and magnatism in the air today what effect does it have on us, and is this what the Lord's warning was all about if...
This is the truth, so then...
how many people will end up like this,
OR worse?
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